Works Screen



  1. Artist / Maker: The Artist/Maker name on the Works Screen appears in blue text and the background is grey, the blue text indicates that it is linked to a record. Users cannot type directly into this field to make any changes. Artists entered into Artsystems Pro are saved to a Related Artist List.

  1. To correct the spelling of an Artist's name or to modify the Artist’s dates, nationality or categories select from the Preferences menu Edit>Related Lists on Windows or on a Mac Artsystems Pro>Preferences.
  2. To change the Artist's name on the record: simply right-click (or select [Command] + [Click]) and select Change Artist/Maker. Highlight to select the correct Artist from the Artist Selection Screen, then click OK.


  1. Work Details: Work details are the vital information about the Work record: Artist, Title, Year, Description, Media, Dimensions and Edition (Edition information will be populated if the Work is from an Edition).



  1. Dimensions: There are three types of dimension fields: Inches, cm, or Dimension Notes. The radio buttons to the right of the Dimensions field indicate the dimension type entered. Entering numbers in the Inches field converts the entry to cm automatically, and vice versa. If dimensions for the artwork are more complex (e.g. image size, sheet size, or framed size) click the Notes radio button to add specific dimensions on Dimension Notes field.

    NOTE: The radio button dimension field that is selected on the Work record is the field that will display on Artsystems Pro reports.


  1. Screen Selection Bar: The Works Screen Selection Bar provides access to additional screens for the Work record: Details, Value, Financial, Activity, Expenses, Photo, Condition, Miscellaneous, Note, Provenance, References. The blue background indicates the selected screen.


  1. Location and Location Detail: The Location field displays the main area where the work is located. Like the Artist / Maker field the Location field appears in blue text with a grey background, as it is linked to a record entered in the Contacts module. The best practice for changing the Location on a Work record is to create a Shipment Transaction record. Linked Transactions appear on the Works Activity Screen so users are able to see a Work's location history by clicking on the Works Activity Screen. To modify a Work's Location and not save a record of the change, simply right-click (or select [Command] + [Click]) on the Location field and select Change Location. Select a new Location from the Contact Selection Screen. The Location Detail displays a subset of where the Work is housed in the main location (for example a room in a gallery or home or a numbered storage bin).

    NOTE: Do not edit the default UNKNOWN contact record. Always select a new Location from the Contact Selection Screen.



  1. Signature and Inscription: The Signature field displays often used vital signature information: Signed, Signed dated and numbered, Stamped, etc. Enter details about the signature or any significant markings on the artwork (such as dedications, certificates of authenticity, gallery labels, etc.) in the Inscription field (located directly below the Signature field).


  1. Categories: Work Categories help to organize the classification of Work records. Unlike Types (which are overall definitions of the Work record), Categories can define more granular information. Categories entered on a Work record define the Work's attributes such as Landscape, Portrait, Butterfly Series, etc. Categories can also tag a Work for inclusion in a list such as Donation, Art Fair 2012, Returned to Artist, etc.


  1. Date Added & Date Modified: Both Date fields are updated automatically by Artsystems Pro. Date Added is the date the record was first entered into the database, Date Modified is updated every time the record is edited. To view the Editing History in the database, select from the menu View>History.


  1. Inactive, Reserved and NFS: Click Inactive to indicate the Work is no longer part of the active inventory. Click Reserved to indicate the Work is on reserve to be sold or exhibited. Click NFS to indicate the Work is Not for Sale; when this is checked an Invoice cannot be created. These three check boxes activate color code changes in the Inventory Number field. The Inventory Number field background will appear BLACK for Inactive Works, PINK for Reserved Works, or ORANGE for NFS (see also #12 below).


  1. Marked: Click to Mark the record to select the Work for Marked Record Sets and Worksheets.



  1. Classification Fields: The Classification Fields provide a way for users to assign general attributes to the Work record. The Classification Fields enable the user to easily cull together groups with similar attributes such as all Photographs or all work created in China. All Classification Fields are selected from a Related List drop-down menu.



  1. Ownership Color Bar: The Ownership Color Bar displays the ownership color code to easily identify the type of ownership.

    NOTE: Users can activate a Reference Color Key option from the Main Toolbar



  1. Retail Display The Retail display field is provided to easily see the Work's current Retail value. This field is not editable. All values may be edited on the Works Value Screen.



  1. Inventory Number: The Inventory Number is the code assigned to keep track of the artwork. Users can manually input the Inventory Number or turn on the System Assigned Inventory Number option.



  1. Primary Image: The Primary Image is the main image for the record and the one used on all image reports. Users may also add Secondary Images. Secondary Images include other views of the artwork, detail of artwork, signature detail, etc.



  1. Edition fields: There are three Edition fields: Numerator, Denominator, and Edition Set. The Edition Numerator field may be edited, and the Edition Denominator and Edition Set fields link directly to the corresponding Edition record in the Editions Module.