Works Expense Screen



The primary function of the Works Expense Screen is to document all expenses associated with a particular work. Expenses may include costs associated with shipping, framing, restoration, photography, etc. The Expense Screen records both Amount (total amount of the expense) and Incurred Amount (amount which you incurred) of the expense. In cases where another party incurs the expense, add the amount only in amount column (see first entry on image above).


Incurred Expenses added on the Expense Screen are added to the Calculated Net (Calculated Net appears on the Financial Screen, in order to show the overall costs associated with a Work. Incurred Expenses will also affect Net due to Consignor.

To Add An Expense

  1. Add the Expense Type: In Works, on the Expense Screen, click in the Expense column on the first available line in the view and select the desired expense type to add from the drop-down list. If this is a new expense type, click once in the Expense column to open edit mode and type the new Expense Type directly into the field, then click the TAB key. Click YES to the prompt asking if you want to save the entry to the Expense Types list? If it is possible that this type will never be used again, it is OK to click NO.
  2. Add the Expense Date: Click once in the Date field and the date of entry will appear, if a different expense date is desired, edit the date as needed.
  3. Add the Expense Contact: Expense Contact is linked to the Contacts Module. Click in the Expense Contact field and click the Lookup button to open the Contact Selection List. Search to find the Contact, and click OK. If the Expense Contact is not in the list, click the Add New button to add a new Contact.
  4. Enter the full Amount: Enter the full value amount of the expense in the Amount column.
  5. Enter the Amount Incurred: Enter the value amount your gallery incurred in the Incurred column. If the expense is split with a partner, enter half the amount into Incurred. If no expense was incurred, leave the Incurred field blank.


The manner in which expenses are entered into the Expenses Screen may affect the database owners overall cost of the artwork including the amount that may be due to the artist/consignor and the gallery’s profit. It is imperative that this information be entered correctly for the financial information to calculate accurately within the program. Below are four examples of how to account for expenses:



The consignor or artist has already paid for the expense (e.g. framing, shipping, etc.) of the piece in full. The consignor/artist is to be reimbursed a portion or the entire amount of that expense. The expense is actually incurred by the gallery and should be listed as such.


Enter the total amount of the expense incurred by the gallery in the Incurred column. This entire amount will now be added to what is due to the consignor/artist. The financial information for this work will adjust in the Calc.Net and Potential/Profit fields of the Financial Screen in Works.


NOTE: If the amount is split equally and entered equally in both columns (Amount and Incurred) it will adjust the Calc.Net/Potential financial information of the work but the amount due to the gallery will be unaffected. If an amount is split equally it has balanced out and neither party owes the other. This situation may occur if the parties are billed separately and are intending to pay separately.



The gallery has paid or will be paying for the expense associated with this work in full. The gallery is due the entire amount back. The expense is actually incurred by the consignor/artist and should be listed as such.


Enter the total amount of the expense incurred by the consignor/artist in the Amount column. This entire amount will now be deducted from what is due to the consignor/artist.



The gallery has paid or will be paying for the expense associated with this work in full. The gallery is due a portion of the amount back. This expense is actually shared by the gallery and the artist/consignor.


Enter the total amount of the expense in the Amount column and enter the amount of the expense that the gallery was/will be responsible for in the Incurred Column. The difference of these amounts will now be deducted from what is due to the artist/consignor.



The gallery has paid or will be paying for the expense associated with this work in full. This situation applies when the gallery owns the work. This expense is incurred by the gallery alone and will not affect the artist/consignor. The artist/consignor is not associated with this expense at all.


To document expenses incurred by the gallery alone for a particular artwork (when the expenses do not have anything to do with the artist/consignor) enter the total amount of the gallery expense(s) both in the Amount and Incurred Columns. This will adjust the financial information for the gallery’s expenses and potential profit.



Show Accounts enabled


When the Show Accounts is enabled ( see also Preferences) the Account fields appear in the following locations:


Expense: Works>ExpensesTab> Expense view (scroll to right)