Works Activity Screen

The Activity Screen reveals the recorded history of the Transactions for the Work record. Each Transaction linked to the Work record can be seen on the Activity Screen, including a history of Transactions that have been deleted. The Activity Screen will also display any modifications made to the Artist, Location, or Source fields. The user can also create a Quick Transaction record from the Activity Screen.


Quick Transactions

To activate the Quick Transaction menu, click on the Add button on the Activity Screen:



Click on any desired option to generate any transaction: Invoice, Offer, Consign Out,

Loan, Exhibition, Shipment, Cash Sale, Receive Work, or Re-Acquire Work.


NOTE: The Re-Acquire option is used to change ownership on a Work record and is only available in the Quick Transaction menu. Use the Re-Acquire Transaction when ownership changes on a Work, for example if a Work comes in on consignment and you decide to purchase the work or a previously sold Work comes back to your gallery for any reason.


To Re-Acquire A Work

  1. On the Works Activity screen, click the Add button to activate the quick transaction menu.
  2. Click Re-Acquire.
  3. A series of screens will appear to help Re-Acquire the work. On the first screen, select the new Ownership and adjust Location and Source if needed.


  1. Click Next, and edit any necessary field. NOTE: If the System Assigned Inventory Number option is active, and the option to Reset number upon Reacquire was selected, a new inventory number will generate on the new work record. To keep the same Inventory Number, un-check the Reset Number upon Re-acquire option in Preferences.

  1. Click Next and make final edits regarding the financial information:

  1. Click Finish, and the work will appear in display view. Note that the new work record displays the Re-Acquired action on the Work Activity Screen.


NOTE: When a Work is Re-Acquired, the original work record remains in Works but is marked as Inactive and archived as Previous State. This record may be deleted if you choose, but we recommend retaining this information for archival purposes.