Entering A New Invoice Transaction

Please see our video tutorial at: Transactions: Creating an Invoice


All Transactions are entered in the same manner. Follow the basic steps for entering Invoice Transactions below and click the All Transactions link to find additional information about entering all other Transactions in Artsystems Pro.



  1. As in all modules, to enter a new record:
  1. Select the desired Transaction Type. Click Next to continue.

  1. Select the Sold To and Ship To Contact from the Contacts Module for the Transaction.
  1. Utilize the Search field to help find the appropriate Sold To Contact.
  2. When the correct Contact is found, highlight the name and click the Arrow button.
  3. The Contact address will then appear in the Sold To field.
  4. When the Ship To address is not the same as the Sold To address, follow the same steps above to add the name for the Ship To fields.


  1. Click Next to continue.
  2. Find the Works to add to the Transaction, click to mark the selections. There are several ways to easily find the desired Work records:
  1. Utilize the Search field to find the Works:

  1. Utilize the View Options:

NOTE: Work records may be entered on this screen if needed, click the Add button to add new inventory.

  1. Sort records on the grid: Click the Field Header to sort records by that particular field.

  1. Utilize the Pre-defined Sets:

  1. Click Finish and a new Transaction record has been created, continue to edit the record until the Transaction is ready to print.

NOTE: When Invoice and Cash Sale transactions are created, updates will be made on the following fields in the Works Module: Status (status color will change from green to red in the Work Detail>Inventory Number field); Current Owner and Current Owner Dates will display the new owner (on the Work Detail>Provenance Screen); Sold To, Sales Date, and Sales Price will update appropriately (on the Work Detail>Financial Screen).

Click The Shipped Field

To keep track of inventory locations, click the Shipped field when the artwork in a transaction leaves the premises.

  1. When a Transaction is Shipped, all Work Detail>Locations will update to the appropriate Ship to or Sold to location (if the Ship To field was not added, the location will still update in the Sold To field on the Work Detail>Financial Screen).
  2. When a Transaction is Shipped, if the checkboxWorks Inactive upon Shipment is selected on the Transaction Shipment Screen, all Works will be set to Inactive in the Work Detail>Inventory field and will be color-coded black.
  3. If the artwork on a Transaction is shipping separately, use the Convert Transaction tool to Convert the Transaction record to a separate Shipment transaction. Click Shipped on the Shipment transaction when the artwork leaves the premises.




NOTE: When Shipped has been checked on a Transaction record, the record is then locked for editing after the transaction is Saved and Closed. If additional edits are required on the Transaction, users will need to click the Lock icon to unlock the transaction upon re-opening it.