Please see our video tutorial for an example of creating a Price List report: Creating a Report: Price List
For more information about Artsystems Pro 140 automatically generated Standard Reports and to view examples, visit our website at: Pro Reports
Artsystems provides many standard reports that can easily be imported for your use. The most popular and common reports are already imported for you.
The Report tool helps activate reports in Artsystems Pro. Rather than running a report for all records in a module, it is usually preferable to create a data set of the particular records to print. The report menus in each module will list a variety of reports to generate. Note also that users also have the option to select specific fields from the spreadsheet view to generate Spreadsheet Reports.
From the Main Toolbar, click the Report drop-down menu for quick access to the list of available reports. |
From the Main Toolbar, click the Report button to open the Run Report Screen. |
- Click the Report button to open the report menu. Click to select the desired report to run. (This method is better suited to generate one report from a data set.)
- Click the Report button to open the Run Report Screen. Find the desired report in the Select Report menu and double-click the report name (or highlight the report name and click Run). (This method is better suited for generating various reports from a data set.)
- The report will generate and open in Microsoft Word.
- Print the report document from Microsoft Word, or if needed save the report anywhere on the computer or network.
- Users have access to the Artsystems - Reports & Documents Toolbar whenever a report or document is generated. When users are finished with a report in Microsoft Word select Close Docon the Artsystems - Reports & Documents Toolbar to return to Artsystems Pro.
Price List Report OptionsThe Run Report Screen includes special options to generate the Price List and Price List with Image reports in Alternate Currencies.
- Click the Report button to open the Run Report Screen.
- Select either the Price List or the Price List with Image reports (currently, the alternative currency option works only with Price List reports).
- Select a Currency from the drop-down list. The current currency rate saved in the database appears below the Currency field. Users can update the rate by right-clicking in the Currency Rate field and select the option Refresh from Web, or can manually edit the rate.
- Select the option to Round Values To: decimal .00,tenths 0.00 or hundredths, 00.00
- Click Run
- The report then opens in Microsoft Word.
- Print the report document from Microsoft Word, or if needed save the report anywhere on the computer or network.
- When users are finished with a report in Microsoft Word select Close Docon the Artsystems - Reports & Documents Toolbar to return to Artsystems Pro.
Label Report Options
Use the Reports Menuoptions as above to generate labels from either the Works Module or the Contacts Module.
Labels in Works
When generating a Label Report from the Works Module, the Start Printing Labels at number option will appear in the Run Report screen. This option allows you to choose which label/row to begin printing on to reduce wasting sheets of labels.
Labels in Contacts
You must add new Countries from Contacts>Edit Related Lists. The Regionor Address Type will be added to the Country list. Regions are user-defined and can be filtered using the Contacts> Advanced View Set tab to find mailing labels within a particular Region representing many Countries or partial country regional areas, for exampleNorth America or ‘Western Europe.
Address Types are pre-set based on the Region and control the actual placement and configuration of the address components (City, State, Postal Code, etc.) into a complete Mailing Label that meets the postal requirements. Select the Countryon the Contact>Detail>Country field with a pre-defined Region as set in Edit Related Lists. The Contact Detail>Label field will auto-format for the Region (Address Type) selected.
Set the Home Country in Artsystems Pro>Preferences>Modules>Contacts. It is best to set the Home Country in Preferences when setting up the database.
- see also Basics>Related Lists
- see also Preferences>Modules>Contacts
Address types: Postal Address formats
NOTE: Artsystems Pro provides pre-set postal formats that may be applied to Countries for proper display of postal address formats particular to a country or region. Countries are assigned to Regions as well as Address Type (Contact Label).
The built in formats in Artsystems Pro software for each Country or area are displayed as follows:
NOTE: United Kingdom and Asia are combined as the postal address format is the same.
United States
Abercrombie, Ltd.
1700 NE 26th Street
Redmond, WA 98052
Mr. John Abercrombie
Henry LaFluer
13 Rue Daiz
75002 Paris
United Kingdom
Mr. Walter C. Brown
Waddington Galleries
11 Cork Street 742
London EC1Y 8SY Saint-Laurent QC H4L 3L5
Asia Canada
Charles Smith
Galerie Klimantiris
742 Boulevard Decarie
Saint-Laurent QC H4L 3L5
Mr. Taro Yamata
1-16-24 Minami-Gyotoku
Ichikawa-shi, Chiba
272-0138 JAPAN
Herrn Otto Stolz
Universitat Konstanz
Universitatsstrase 10
78464 Konstanz