Creating Transactions In Alternate Currency

Follow the steps to create a new Transaction in the usual manner.


  1. Open the desired Transactions Detail Screen.
  2. Select the desired currency type from the Currency drop-down menu.
  3. The currency rate saved for the Currency selection appears in the Currency Rate field (edit the Currency Rate if needed).


In Artsystems Pro, Fixed Currency Rates are saved in the database. Fixed Currency Rates may be updated in the Works Module>Edit Related Lists>Currencies. You may also select the most recent rate published by Reuters ( with a simple right-click in the Currency Rate field and choose to Refresh from Web.


NOTE: The Currency Rate on the Transaction is editable, so the rate may also be manually adjusted if needed.


  1. The Alternate Currency values now appear on the Transactions Detail Screen.
  2. When Alternate Currency values are applied to a Transaction, the Alternate Currency values will print on the Transaction document.