
Default Font

To help make searching easier, pre-set the module's Default Font. Simply select the desired Font and Font Size Close the Preferences Screen and the default selection will save. This default Font and Font size will be used when printing from a Spreadsheet Report.


Email Settings

After linking an active email account in Artsystems Pro>Preferences, users may send email directly from Artsystems Pro to people whose email addresses are entered in the linked Email field of the Contacts Module. To send to more than one email address for a single Contact all email addresses for the Contact must be entered in the linked Email field, and each address must be separated by a semicolon and space.




IMPORTANT! Email Settings are individual for each Pro workstation. Pro users utilizing the same machine will be restricted to using the same email settings.


Begin enabling the Email feature by contacting your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to gather the following information and then complete the Preferences>Advanced screen in Artsystems Pro.


  1. For Mac users select Artsystems Pro> Preferences from the menu, for Windows users select Edit> Preferences from the menu.
  2. Click Advanced.
  3. Outgoing Email Server: the SMTP server address your ISP provider (Internet Service Provider) uses for sending email.

    NOTE: Most ISPs now have mobile SMTP addresses to accommodate iPads and Smart phones. If your ISP provides one, it's best to use a mobile SMTP address with laptops so that the sent email does not bounce when sending through a different Wi-Fi/ ISP connections.

  4. Port Number: determined by the assigned SMTP server port. You cannot use an SSL (SSH) port. Please ask their tech which port is non-SSL (SSH) for your ISP. Ports 25 or 587 works in most cases. Port 587 will attempt to use TLSv1. Other ports will use SSLv2 or SSLv3.

  5. Secure Connection The exception is for Google/Gmail and other providers like this which require a secure SSL connection.
  6. Account User Name: Is the account name provided by your ISP giving you access to your ISP based email.

  7. Account Password: Is the account password you have set with your ISP giving you access to your ISP based email.

  8. Reply-to Email Address is ANY email address that you have access to receive mail. Your email recipients will see this email address as the ‘Sent From’ address.


The email opens a form that allows you to on send relay through your ISP SMTP server and will display your return address as entered in the Reply-to Email Address preference.


IMPORTANT! Your ISP password cannot contain non-ASCII (Unicode) characters or the following: ' (apostrophes), " (quotes), # (hash tag/pound) or { } (curved brackets).


These characters are acceptable for your ISP password:


abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890-=!@$%^&*( )_+[ ] |.,<>;:?/

Artsystems CloudSync (Data Synchronization)

The Artsystems CloudSync service enables secure access and synchronization of Artsystems database files and associated images and documents among users' CloudSync enabled computers. The center of the Artsystems CloudSync service is a highly secure cloud server which houses the master database(s), images, and associated documents. The cloud server connects to and securely synchronizes with the local or corporate LAN or configured mobile database(s). This data-ecosystem allows clients to be fully mobile and still connected with their data (both through the CloudSync and locally), while bypassing the public space of the Web. CloudSync enables users to manage their business or collection by running Artsystems Pro on their own computers wherever they may be, even while not connected to the Internet — at an art fair with a poor WiFi connection, at a warehouse, or while traveling. When returning to reliable Internet service, they simply synchronize their changes on their secure private cloud with those with whom they share a database — with a single click.