Modules - Works

Select the Modules icon to set Preferences for each module. There is one screen for each of the five modules. Access the module screens by clicking on the module name in the module tray.


Default Search Field

To help make searching easier, pre-set the module's search parameter with the most commonly used search field. In the Default Search Field simply select the desired field in which to search by from the drop-down list. Close the Preferences Screen and the default selection will save. Open the desired module and note the Default Search Field now appears just below the Search field window. Users may exchange the default search parameter for any desired search field parameter directly in the module's Search field when needed.


To assist in data entry, select the primary field for dimension data entry: Inches, cm, or Note. The Dimensions field selected in Preferences will be the primary dimension field activated when entering data. The Separator field allows users to adjust the appearance of the dimension separator in reports (ie: as 3' x 5' or as 3' X 5' or as 3 by 5).


  1. For Mac users select Artsystems Pro> Preferences from the menu, for Windows users select Edit> Preferences from the menu.
  2. Click Modules>Works.
  3. Under Dimensions, click once to the left to mark the desired selection; either Inches, cm, or Note.
  4. Edit the Separator field if desired.
  5. Continue setting options or close the Preferences Screen to save the selection.

Prompt For Duplicate Inventory Numbers

Select this option to receive a prompt that a duplicate inventory number already exists when entering new Inventory Numbers. The duplicate Inventory Number can either be saved (and remain as a duplicate) or corrected (and assigned a new Inventory Number).


  1. For Mac users select Artsystems Pro> Preferences from the menu, for Windows users select Edit> Preferences from the menu.
  2. Click Modules>Works.
  3. Click the box to check Prompt for Duplicate Inventory Numbers to enable this option.
  4. Continue setting options or close the Preferences Screen to save the selection.

Show Reserved Works As Not For Sale

Work records marked as Reserved are considered Available work. The inventory number will be color-coded as pink. When a data set of Available work is created, Reserved work will be included in the set. If it is more preferable to have Reserved works considered as Not for Sale, select the option Show Reserved Works as Not For Sale.


  1. For Mac users select Artsystems Pro> Preferences from the menu, for Windows users select Edit> Preferences from the menu.
  2. Click Modules>Works.
  3. Click the box to check Show Reserved Works as Not For Sale to activate this option.
  4. Continue setting options or close the Preferences Screen to save the selection.

NOTE: This feature is separate from the NFS (Not for Sale) box on the Work Detail record. Checking the NFS box will color-code the inventory number as orange and does NOT allow the generation of an Invoice Transaction. If a work is checked as Reserved, an Invoice Transaction can still be generated.

System Assigned Inventory Number

The System Assigned Inventory Number option can be activated to automatically assign Inventory Numbers as new Work records are entered.



  1. For Mac users select Artsystems Pro> Preferences from the menu, for Windows users select Edit> Preferences from the menu.
  2. Click Modules>Works.
  3. Click the box to check System Assigned Inventory Number to activate this option.
  4. Select the desired criteria to define how the number will appear:
  1. Length of Number: define the number of digits to be listed in the numerical portion of the field.
  1. Base Number on: define the option on which to base the numbering system on: Artist/Maker, Ownership, Work, Type, or Alt.Type.
  1. Section Order: Up to 5 sections may be used for the System Assigned Inventory Numbers: Artist/Maker, Number, Ownership, Type or Alt Type. The top field is the first section of the inventory number, the next field down is the second section, the next field down is the third section, etc. Select each inventory number section by clicking on the drop-down list for each section (use one or more sections when establishing System Assigned Inventory Numbering).
  1. Prefix and Next Number: Use the Prefix and Next Number section to define the particular prefix/number for each section of the System Assigned Inventory Number. In the Prefix and Next Number area, click the drop-down to select the specific section to add prefix or next numbers. Edit both Prefix and Next Number when prompted in the list provided.
  1. If desired, select the option to Reset number upon Reacquire (This will assign a new Inventory Number to records when they are Re-acquired). If Reset number upon Reacquire is not checked, all newly re-acquired works will retain the same inventory number.
  2. Continue setting options or close the Preferences Screen to save the selection.