Modules - Transactions

Select the Modules icon to set preferences for each module. There is one screen for each of the five modules. Access the module screens by clicking on the module name in the module tray.



Default Search Field

To help make searching easier, pre-set the module's search parameter with the most commonly used search field.

In the Default Search Field simply select the desired field in which to search by from the drop-down list. Close the Preferences Screen and the default selection will save. Open the desired module and note the Default Search Field now appears just below the Search field window.Users may exchange the default search parameter for any desired search field parameter directly in the module's Search field when needed.

Transaction Numbers

This section shows all Transactions with their standard Prefix, Next Number and Leading Zeros.


To Edit Transaction Numbers:

  1. For Mac users select Artsystems Pro> Preferences from the menu, for Windows users select Edit> Preferences from the menu.
  2. Click Modules>Transactions.
  3. Notice under Transaction Type the various Transaction Names are listed. The Standard prefixes are preset for each Transaction but the prefix may be changed if desired. To edit a prefix, click the desired field in the Prefix column and enter the desired prefix.
  4. The Next Number column shows the next consecutive number for the indicated Transaction Type. The next number for the Transaction may be edited if desired. To edit the Next Number, click the desired field and enter the next number for any given Transaction.
  5. In the last column, the Leading Zeros column heading indicates the number of digits that appear in the number. The leading zeros number may be edited if desired. Click in the Leading Zeros column and type in the desired.
  6. Continue setting options or close the Preferences Screen to save the selection.

Retail Price

The Retail Price on a Work record may be edited directly on a Transaction record. The Retail Price section allows the user to select the course of action to take if the Retail Price is altered on a Transaction record.

  1. For Mac users select Artsystems Pro> Preferences from the menu, for Windows users select Edit> Preferences from the menu.
  2. Click Modules>Transactions.
  3. Under the Retail Price section notice three selections.
  1. Never Change— selecting this option will NOT update the Work’s Retail Price when changing the Retail Price on the Transaction record.
  2. Automatically Change— selecting this option will AUTOMATICALLY update the Work’s Retail Price when changing the Retail Price on the Transaction record.
  3. Prompt for Change— selecting this option will PROMPT the user when the record is saved: 'Do you want to update Works with Retail Value changes?', answer Yes or No.
  1. Select the desired protocol for editing Retail Price on a Transaction.
  2. Continue setting options or close the Preferences Screen to save the selection

Use Non-Local Currencies for Works


The Use non-local (non-home) currencies feature bases all Payable terms and Sales of the Work in a Fixed Alternate currency, rather than converting to the user’s HOME local currency as set in the computer's Regions and Languages. When this feature is enabled, a checkbox will be added next to the Orig. Cost field on the Work>Detail>Financial Tab. When the user selects a currency from the drop-down list. Thus, you can use this feature on a Work by Work basis. In the example below, Orig. Cost is checked and the user has selected GBP to override the computer's HOME currency. Thus, when creating an Offer and Invoice Transaction, for the Work, the HOME currency column will NOT appear on the Transaction.


  1. For Mac users select Artsystems Pro> Preferences from the menu, for Windows users select Edit> Preferences from the menu.
  2. Click Modules>Transactions.
  3. Check the Use non-local currencies for Works box to enable this feature.
  4. NOTE: Enabling Use non-local currencies for Works will disable the Payable when Received in Full option.
  5. Continue setting options or close the Preferences Screen to save the selection.





NOTE: This feature can integrate with the Track Values in Alternate Currencies feature set in Preferences>Modules>Works>Currency. With both features turned ON, the Work Value is set as a Fixed Alternate currency rather than the workstation's HOME currency specified in the computer's Regions and Languages setting. The Track Values in Alternate Currencies feature can adjust to display alternate Retail Values instead of the workstation's HOME currency.



Payable When Received In Full?

Select Payable When Received In Full if all monies due to the artist/consignor will be payable to them only after payment in full has been received from the purchaser/client listed on the Invoice.


  1. For Mac users select Artsystems Pro> Preferences from the menu, for Windows users select Edit> Preferences from the menu.
  2. Click Modules>Transactions.
  3. Check the Payable When Received In Full box to enable this feature.
  4. Continue setting options or close the Preferences Screen to save the selection.

Prompt For Artist Categories?

Select Prompt For Artist Categories to enable a prompt to appear asking to add Artist Categories to a purchaser's contact record when saving a Transaction. This feature can be an extremely useful marketing tool to help generate future View Sets based on clients' purchase history.


  1. For Mac users select Artsystems Pro> Preferences from the menu, for Windows users select Edit> Preferences from the menu.
  2. Click Modules>Transactions.
  3. Check the Prompt for Artist Categories box to enable this option.
  4. Continue setting options or close the Preferences Screen to save the selection.

Verify Shipment on Save

Select Verify Shipment to enable a prompt to appear when clicking the Shipped field on Transaction records. This option is a reminder to re-check the Transaction record to ensure that it is correct. Once a Transaction record is Shipped it cannot easily be modified.


  1. For Mac users select Artsystems Pro> Preferences from the menu, for Windows users select Edit> Preferences from the menu.
  2. Click Modules>Transactions.
  3. Check the Verify Shipment box to enable this option.
  4. Continue setting options or close the Preferences Screen to save the selection.


Show Accounts

The Show Accounts option reveals financial accounting related fields within different forms in Artsystems Pro as well as enables the General Financial Export feature. The account fields work in conjunction with the General Chart of Accounts (COA) located in the Transactions>Edit Related Lists option. The accounts work with theGeneral Financial export feature OR the QuickBooks export feature.

  1. For Mac users select Artsystems Pro> Preferences from the menu, for Windows users select Edit> Preferences from the menu.
  2. Click Modules>Transactions.
  3. Check the Show Accounts box to enable this option.
  4. Continue setting options or close the Preferences Screen to save the selection.



The Account fields appear in the following locations:


Sales: Works>Financial Tab> Bottom

COGS: Works>Financial Tab> Bottom

Inventory: Works>Financial Tab> Bottom

Partner: Works>Financial Tab> Partner list on Co-Owned Works (scroll to right)

Expense: Works>Expenses Tab> Expense list (scroll to right)

ARR Cost: Works>VAT Tab (when VAT is enabled)

Import VAT: Works>VAT Tab (when VAT is enabled)

Transaction Accounts: Transactions> Bottom of form for invoices, cash sales, cash receipts, and payments (payments included in the General Export only)

Misc Sale: Related Lists>Item Types> Account field

Misc Sale: Related Lists>Item Types> Account field

Sales Tax: Related Lists> Sales Tax> Account column

VAT Tax: Related Lists> VAT Status> Account column (when VAT is enabled)




Select VAT Tax to enable the VAT Tab on the Work>Detail. This allows the user to select the applicable VAT statusof a Work such as Standard Rate VAT, Margin-Scheme VAT, Export VAT, and ARR accounting calculations and reporting.


  1. For Mac users select Artsystems Pro> Preferences from the menu, for Windows users select Edit> Preferences from the menu.
  2. Click Modules>Transactions.
  3. Check the VAT Tax box to enable this option.
  4. Continue by adding your own VAT# or close the Preferences Screen to save the selection