Data Files

The Data Files Screen is where users will access databases housed either on a local workstation or on a network. On the Data Files Screen users will also set up where documents will be stored. (Documents are either produced by running reports in Artsystems Pro or other support documentation users have linked to records.)

Data And Sample Databases

The installation of Artsystems Pro includes the distribution of 2 databases: Data.db and Sample.db. The Data.db is a blank database which will be used for your organization's data entry. . It is recommended to copy and rename Data.db to your organization’s name. This is usually done by our technicians during the installation. The Sample.db is distributed to illustrate a variety of ways data may be entered. The Sample database provides the freedom to explore and practice using the software without compromising real data. Both Data.db and Sample.db are installed on the local workstation but can be moved to a server in network environments.

Start And Stop Databases

A green circle next to a database indicates the database in ON.

A grey circle next to a database indicates the database is OFF.

When opening a database that appears with the grey circle in the Databases window, first click to highlight the database, then click Start to start the database. When the circle next to the database turns green the database is ready to open, and users can then close the Preferences Screen to access the database.


To Open The Local Sample.db

Please see our video tutorial at: Getting Started: Utilizing the Practice Sample Database


  1. For Mac users select Artsystems Pro> Preferences from the menu, for Windows users select Edit> Preferences from the menu.
  2. Click the Data Files icon.
  1. In the Local window click to select the Sample database.

  1. Close the Preferences Screen and the Sample.db is now open.

To Open The Local Data.db

  1. For Mac users select Artsystems Pro> Preferences from the menu, for Windows users select Edit> Preferences from the menu.
  2. Click the Data Files icon.
  3. In the Local window click to select the Data database.
  4. Close the Preference Screen and the Data.db is now open.

IMPORTANT: After accessing the desired database, the path must be set for users to access Documents and Images, which are attached to records in the database. If you have a Server hosting data, documents and images, please check with your IT personnel for the correct paths.

For Mac Users:


For Windows Users:


To Set Image Path


Backup Database

Because of power outages and other interruptions to computer service, it is important to backup the database frequently (particularly when a large number of new records have been entered or the database has been modified significantly) to a location that is separate from the place where the database is normally housed. The most secure venue for a data backup is offsite.

IMPORTANT: This can only be performed from the computer or server that hosts the database.


  1. Select Artsystems Pro> Preferences from the menu, click the Data Files icon.
  2. Click the button. Prompt will appear with the Save Screen (re-define the Save As name and Where location if needed). Click Save to finish.

  1. When the Backup process is complete, a prompt will appear saying Backup complete. Please contact Artsystems if further backup options are required.

Restore Database

General users cannot use this feature; however, Artsystems Technical Support can help users restore their data in the event that the active database is lost and an Artsystems backup database copy has been made.

To Set Document Path

  1. For Mac users select Artsystems Pro> Preferences from the menu, for Windows users select Edit> Preferences from the menu.
  2. Click the Data Files icon.
  3. In the Document Path window click Change.

  1. Note the following warning (answer either Yes or No accordingly):

  1. Navigate to change to the desired document path.

  1. Click Select Folder to save the new Document Path.